Vet Wrap bandages are known around the world as the preferred self-adherent bandaging tape for pets.
A cohesive bandage is a type of bandage that adheres to itself but doesn’t adhere to other surfaces, such as the skin. The most common use for cohesive bandages is to wrap limbs, and the bandages can be used on both humans and animals.
Vet wrap bandages secure the legs of horses, dogs or pets that have been injured or have wounds. The bandage also has uses for humans like sports / athletic wrap.
Water resistant, will not loosen by sweat or water.
Light weight, porous, allows skin to breath and comfortable to user.
Stretch gauze wrap protects primary dressings.
One of the most exciting features is that it adheres to itself so no clips or fasteners are needed.
It will not slip so no need for frequent readjustments, and easy to be torn by hand.
Width: 1″ (Approx. 2.5cm), 2″ (Approx. 5cm), 3″ (Approx. 7.5cm), 4″ (Approx. 10cm), 6″ (Approx. 15cm)
Length: 5 Yards (Approx. 4.5m) in maximum stretched length / Roll
Color: Colorful Options goes with all your outfits.
Each roll is individually packaged.
It is a must have supply, stock up with some fun new colors.
Order colorful vet wrap bandages for your pet today!